WEEK 9 (FYP 2)


                Activity: CONTROL THE VOICE RECOGNITION (Experiment 2)

This week I gonna show some experiment which is about to control the lamps by using the Google Assistant as voice recognition and by using the Blynk application to monitor status of the home appliances on my prototype.

The software application that needs to be used to develop this project is IFTTT application. IFTTT originally comes from the restrictive articulation of programming which stands for “If This Than That”. 

The IFTTT application which is used to resolve any problem or to bridge the gap between Google Assistant and Blynk application to make sure there a have a connection between each other because the value or output that need to be synchronized with each other. If the connection or bridge between Google Assistant and Blynk is not successful, then the result it cannot have a synchronize result toward each other. 

 The first thing that needs to set up on IFTTT application is “This” which is to trigger after sign in IFTTT with consumer personal Google account. By using IFTTT, the respond or action from Google Assistant can be created for consumer’s need. Next is when the Google Assistant immediately detects the current commands that been configured from the voice’s consumer, the “That” will make an action that can send commands directly to appliances and Blynk application server by using the Webhooks. Webhooks is a software that can communicate between IFTTT and an appliance. Google Assistant command will be trigger after this method is created. The action made by it is just causing by sending data to Blynk application either one or the other appliance are on or off

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