WEEK 4 (FYP 1)


                 Activity: PROJECT TITLE CONFIRMATION

                I have decided to make a prototype project. After meeting with my Supervisor and discussing, some amendments have to do to the title. Madam Punitha suggested doing more research about Smart Home system. She also suggested that the system can be used for both office and home usage.

After meeting, Madam Punitha asked me to come out with my own synopsis for the project to be placed on the FYP website.

The title for the project:
"Remote Voice Activated Smart Home System"

The synopsis of the project:

  • This project is to allow users to monitor their own home based appliances by using voice control (Google Assistant)
  • To enable remote activation and deactivation of electrical appliances.  
  • Encourages power savings as well as promotes safety.

Information about my project FYP in FYP Unikl BMI website after Dr. Punithavathi and Head of Section approved my proposal. We have discussed the title and the supervisor has given some briefing about the project. 

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