WEEK 17 (FYP1)


                 Activity: SUBMISSION of THE PROJECT PROPOSAL

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Basically nothing much in this week. The Project Proposal was submitted to Dr. Punithavathi. After the submission, I continued on how to develop my system. From all the research I’ve made, I was trying to create the system. This log book or blog will be continued on the next semester and it will be about my developing of the system.

The conclusion that I can make throughout the process of FYP 1:

To create and develop a system, the project must go through research about the smart home technology, Google Assistant and methods that can be used to develop a system. In this semester, the project will focus on research and study on how to develop the system. 

The system will basically be focusing on personal usage (home/office) instead of commercial. The developing of system prototype will be carried out in the next semester by following the methods that have been researched throughout this semester.

As a conclusion, I am grateful to Allah S.W.T for the strength to complete my 1st FYP. And also thanks to Dr. Punithavathi which helped me a lot and guided me to complete the whole task of the FYP1. I really hope this will improve my study and also my knowledge about this project and also improve my current CGPA for this semester. Special THANKS to Dr. Punithavathi for helping me throughout the process.

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