WEEK 7 (FYP 2)


                Activity: EXPLANATION OF COMPONENT

For this week, I will explain about the component I used in this circuit which is;

  • NODEMCU ESP 8266

The NodeMCU (Node MicroController Unit) is an open source software system and hardware advancement setting that is designed around an awfully inexpensive System-on-a-Chip (SoC) known as the ESP8266. The ESP8266 is structured and made by particular, contains every pivotal segment of the cutting edge computer that is computer hardware equipment, networking (Wi-Fi) central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), and software development kit (SDK) even a contemporary operating system. Once obtained at Malaysian financial unit, the ESP8266 chip costs exclusively RM20 a piece. That produces it a magnificent choice for this framework structure.


A relay is an electromagnetic switch. It is activated once a small current present of some microampere is connected to it. Conventionally, a relay is utilized amid a circuit as a kind of switch, an automatic switch. There are distinctive sorts of a relay and that they operate at totally extraordinary voltages. Once a circuit has constructed the voltage that may trigger it must be thought about. In this system, the relay circuit is utilized to turn the appliances ON or OFF. The high or low signal is provided from the NodeMCU microcontroller. Once a high voltage is given it is turned on and once a low voltage is given to the relay of the appliance it is turned off. This project is used 4 channel 5 volts’ relay module to control 4 output by each relay. The relay circuit to drive four appliances inside the home automation system shown in the figure below. The number of appliances can be changed by the client's necessities.


The power supply used is a 12 volts’ battery and a voltage regulator circuit to regulate the voltage value to 5 volts. Here, DC-DC buck converter step down module has been used. All module need correct value of supply voltage which is 5 volts for relay module to ensure the project working properly besides protecting from damage. For the whole project, 12volts battery are used which are for the project circuits and the loads which is 12volts bulb, 5volts fan, and led.

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