WEEK 15 (FYP 2)


                Activity: FYP 2 REPORT COMPLETION

Before finalizing the report and print it together with hardcover, the student needs to prepare the draft of thesis and give it to supervisor to upload it into Turnitin. As for this week, activity is all focusing in the completion of the draft. After finishing the draft which is the report from chapter 1 until chapter 5, the result that comes after the plagiarism checker, it shows a promising result as the percentage of the plagiarism is 2% of similarity. The allowed percentage of similarity is 20% of overall the report from chapter 1 until chapter 5.

The Final Year Project coordinator which is Dr. Imran has giving the FYP thesis format for all the students to followed the guidelines. I have followed the guidelines that has been given and i have shows it to my supervisor and he really satisfied with my works.

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