WEEK 14 (FYP 2)


                Activity: DISCUSSION WITH SUPERVISOR

On this week, i was checking all the thesis by through every chapter with my supervisor. It was a good and nice to see my supervisor because in this way, it will have a two way communication and i can ask a questions to my supervisor.

In this discussion, me and my supervisor have discussing about overall thesis that i have been doing. My supervisor has giving so many excellent and brilliant ideas to improve my thesis such as in doing an acknowledgement, abstract and also references. It was a good meeting because it has increase my knowledge for how to do a good thesis.

My supervisor has go through to my report and doing some grammatical checking, and me has take notes all the things that he said. It was a good meeting to increased my knowledge in my English lesson.

As a conclusion, my supervisor has checking all the chapter that in the thesis and has been doing a grammatical check for me.

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