WEEK 12 (FYP 2)


                Activity: RESULT AND DISCUSSION THESIS

After complete my presentation last week, it is time to focus on my thesis which is i am doing result and discussion. On this thesis, i have receive a lot of guidance from my supervisor.


In this chapter, i have shown all the tables, mapping and data based on my output at my prototype. I also has explained the details of the results to make sure the reader can understand about the output. I am using table to show the difference between the control from the Google Assistant and monitor from the Blynk application.


In this chapter, i have write the flow of my prototype based on my flow chart and block diagram at Chapter 3: Methodology. In this chapter also i have write about the trouble and problem that i have found and succeed to encounter it until i can do the troubleshooting on my prototype.

My supervisor has check my result and discussion chapter, he is so satisfied with my work and he also has do some correction on my thesis.

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