WEEK 5 (FYP 2)



The system design is broken down into two main categories,

i. The hardware- It has the capability to connect to the router. It would also be able to turn on/off specified devices, such as lights and fans. It is called the ‘Control Unit’.

ii. The Software- The Blynk app, the IFTTT app and the Google Assistant constitute the software of the design and these applications would be integrated in the Android device.

The Control Unit comprises of the microcontroller- NodeMCU and the 4/8 Channel Relay board. Relay board uses ULN 2803 IC to control the relays. The Blynk app on an Android device communicates with the microcontroller and sends the desired signal via the internet. Figure below shows the basic system design architecture.

The hardware also called the Control Unit comprises of the NodeMCU microcontroller and the Realy board. NodeMCU’s digital output pins are connected to the Relay pins of the Relay board. Finally, each Relay is connected to an appliance. In my prototype, the first relay will be connected to a fan, second relay is connected to a LED, third relay is connected to a LED and fourth relay is connected to a bulb.

The technique’s design is extremely simple, working in an extremely dual flow. The first flow started from the signal received by NodeMCU from controlling and monitoring via a microcontroller and the to the cloud via the internet. The second flow is the consumer’s reaction to the microcontroller via an internet connection and response to the LED on and off, fan on and off, the bulb on and off.

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